How Telecaller Hiring Affects High Attrition in BPOs & Call Centers?

Discover the impact of telecaller hiring on attrition rates in BPOs and Call Centers. Learn about the key factors of attrition in this industry, attrition rate formula and more.

October 6, 2023


5 minutes

Himanshu Bajpai

Himanshu Bajpai

How Telecaller Hiring Affects High Attrition in BPOs & Call Centers?


Attrition is the rate at which employees leave an organization. It is a critical metric for measuring the success of a business, especially in the dynamic field of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Call Centers. High attrition rates among telecallers pose a significant challenge to this industry, affecting stability, productivity, and overall performance. The foundation of the attrition problem lies in the telecaller recruitment process.

Companies often face the pressure to fill vacancies quickly due to the high demand for telecalling services. When telecallers are hired without a thorough screening procedure, there's a higher likelihood of them being mismatched to the role. This underscores the demand for a specialized job portal that provides a curated list of highly efficient telecallers. These professionals have undergone a rigorous pre-screening interview process, ensuring they possess the skills required for the roles they are being hired for. In this blog post, we will explore the intricate relationship between telecaller hiring practices and high attrition rates, shedding light on the domino effect that ensues.

Causes of High Attrition Stemming from Ineffective Hiring

The attrition rate of telecallers holds vital importance for BPOs, where employee turnover can significantly impact operational efficiency and costs. Let's explore the key causes of high attrition related to ineffective hiring practices:

  • Mismatched Expectations: A significant driver of attrition is the misalignment between telecallers' expectations and the actual job demands. Telecalling can be repetitive, demanding, and emotionally draining. When candidates are not adequately informed about the nature of the work during the hiring process, disillusionment and frustration often lead to a desire to quit.
  • Training and Onboarding: The training and onboarding phase is pivotal in shaping a telecaller's perception of their job.
  • Impact on Customer Experience: High telecaller attrition rates can negatively impact customer experience. Frequent changes in personnel result in customers interacting with different individuals, leading to dissatisfaction. Telecallers play a crucial role in building customer trust, making consistency and knowledge vital.
  • The Cost of High Attrition: High attrition is costly for businesses. Resource-intensive recruitment and training processes become wasteful when telecallers leave shortly after.
Causes of High Attrition Stemming from Ineffective Hiring
Causes of High Attrition Stemming from Ineffective Hiring

Employee attrition is an important concern for organizations as it impacts productivity, company culture, and overall business success. Understanding the factors contributing to increased rates is crucial for designing effective strategies to retain valuable talent and create a positive work environment. Telecalling team leaders should implement retention strategies such as competitive incentives, improved work-life balance, and regular feedback sessions to mitigate attrition. The attrition rates tend to be higher than in other industries, ranging from 20% to 40%, depending on various factors. To address high attrition rates among telecalling teams it's crucial to understand the contributing factors. These contributing factors are shared below:

Contributing Factors for High Attrition Rates
Contributing Factors for High Attrition Rates

Managing Attrition for Calling Teams

To maintain a competitive edge and control attrition in contact centers, effective strategies must be implemented. A key step in controlling attrition is selecting the right candidates from the start. Implement a thorough recruitment and selection process that aligns candidates' skills, expectations, and motivations with the demands of the calling role. This ensures a better fit and reduces early attrition.

Comprehensive Onboarding and Training

Invest in a robust onboarding and training program for new team members. Adequate preparation equips employees with the skills and confidence they need to excel in their roles. Rushed or insufficient training can lead to frustration and attrition.

Fostering a Positive Work Culture

A positive work culture is vital for employee retention. Encourage open communication, recognition of achievements, and a supportive atmosphere. When employees feel valued and part of a team, they are more likely to stay.

Competitive Compensation and Benefits

Competitive compensation packages, including salary, bonuses, and benefits, can significantly impact attrition rates. Ensure that your calling team members are fairly compensated for their efforts to retain top talent.

Career Development Opportunities

Offer clear career development paths for your team members. When employees see opportunities for growth within the organization, they are more likely to stay and work towards their goals.

Addressing Job Stress and Well-being

Calling teams often deal with high-pressure situations. Implement stress management programs and promote employee well-being. A healthy work-life balance can reduce burnout and attrition.

Employee Retention Programs

Establish retention programs tailored to the needs and preferences of your calling team. These can include mentorship programs, skill development initiatives, and recognition schemes.

Conducting Exit Interviews and Root Cause Analysis

When team members do leave, conduct exit interviews to understand their reasons. This feedback is invaluable for identifying the root causes of attrition and making necessary improvements.

Building an Engaging Work Environment

Create an engaging and inclusive work environment that fosters enthusiasm and commitment. An environment where employees enjoy their work is more likely to retain talent.

Types of Attrition in a Contact Center

Here are some of the types of attrition in BPO and Call Centers which we have mentioned below:

Types of Attrition in a Contact Center
Types of Attrition in a Contact Center

Attrition Rate Formula in BPO and Call Centers

Calculate the attrition rate as a percentage with the following formula:\

Attrition Rate Formula in BPO and Call Centers

How to Calculate Attrition Rate in BPO & Call Centers

  • Determine the calculation period (monthly, quarterly, or annually).
  • Count the employees who left during that period (Number of Employees Who Left = N).
  • Calculate the average number of employees during the same period (Average Number of Employees = A).

Use the formula to calculate the attrition rate.

For example, if 10 employees left during a month, and the average employee count is 200:

  • N = 10
  • A = 200
  • Attrition Rate = (10 / 200) x 100 = 5%

Finally, the attrition rate is 5%.

Concluding Remarks

In conclusion, the high attrition rates within companies can have profound repercussions on stability, productivity, and overall performance.

The root of this problem often lies in the recruitment process, where the pressure to fill vacancies quickly can lead to the hiring of mismatched candidates. The mismatched expectations, inadequate training, and the resulting impact on customer experience are among the key causes of high attrition rates.

The cost of high attrition cannot be underestimated, as it drains valuable resources spent on recruitment and training. Selecting the right candidates through a thorough recruitment process, providing comprehensive onboarding and training, fostering a positive work culture, offering competitive compensation and benefits, providing career development opportunities, addressing job stress and well-being, and establishing employee retention programs - all of this can have a positive impact on the hiring trends of any telecalling company.

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Why is attrition a critical metric in the BPO and Call Center industry?


High attrition impacts operational efficiency, customer experience, and overall costs, making it a crucial indicator of industry stability.

What causes high attrition rates among telecallers in BPOs and Call Centers?


Mismatched expectations, inadequate training, and customer experience impact are common causes of high telecaller attrition rate in BPO call centers.

How can companies manage attrition in telecalling teams effectively?


Implement a thorough recruitment process, provide comprehensive onboarding, foster a positive work culture, offer competitive compensation, and address job stress to manage attrition effectively.

What types of attrition are common in BPOs and Call Centers?


Common types include voluntary (better opportunities), involuntary (external factors), and functional (natural circumstances) attrition, guiding tailored retention strategies.

Attrition Rate = (Number of telecallers who left / Average number of telecallers) x 100.


Attrition Rate = (Number of telecallers who left / Average number of telecallers) x 100.

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